Located in the heart of Leicester city centre, close to the railway station.
With a security entry phone, gives access to the:-
With stairs and a lift to the SECOND FLOOR COMMUNAL LANDING AREA, where Apartment 20 can be located.
Giving access into:-
Wood effect laminate flooring, a smoke alarm, two ceiling light points, thermostat control, radiator, a large storage cupboard housing the hot water cylinder and consumer unit, doors giving access to all of the rooms.
KITCHEN/DINING AREA:- Fitted with wood effect wall, drawer and base units with tiled splash backs and roll edge work surfaces, inset stainless steel bowl, sink and drainer unit with mixer tap, integrated appliances including a dishwasher, and fridge freezer, space and plumbing for a washing machine, built-in electric oven, and an electric four ring hob with an extractor hood over.
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, two ceiling light points, tiled effect vinyl floor covering, radiator, open access to the:-
LIVING AREA:- Double glazed French doors opening out to the patio BALCONY, two ceiling light points, TV aerial point.
Fitted with a three piece suite comprising a panelled bath with mixer tap and an electric shower over, a pedestal wash hand basin and a low level flush w/c.
Chrome heated towel rail, partial tiling to walls, ceiling spotlights, shaver point, tile effect vinyl flooring.
Double glazed window to the front elevation, wood effect laminate flooring, ceiling light point, radiator.
Double glazed window to the front elevation, ceiling light point, wood effect laminate flooring, radiator, door into:-
Fitted with a three piece suite comprising a fully tiled shower enclosure with an electric shower, a pedestal wash hand basin and a low level flush w/c.
Partial tiling to walls, tiling to floor, ceiling spotlights, chrome heated towel rail, extractor fan, shaver point.
We are informed that the property is leasehold.
For further information please contact Thomas James Estate Agents.
Thomas James Estate Agents always refer sellers (and will offer to refer buyers) to Knights PLC, Premier Property Lawyers, Ives & Co, Curtis & Parkinson, Bryan & Armstrong, and Marchants for conveyancing services (as above). It is your decision as to whether or not you choose to deal with these conveyancers. Should you decide to use the conveyancers named above, you should know that Thomas James Estate Agents would receive a referral fee of between £120 and £240 including VAT from them, for recommending you to them.