Main Street leads into the heart of Calverton village. The property can be located between its junctions with West End and Jumelles Drive.
Leading to:-
With part glazed panel, giving access into:-
Karndean flooring, feature radiator, ceiling spotlights, radiator, doors giving access to all of the rooms.
Double glazed window to the front elevation, ceiling light point, radiator.
Double glazed window to the front elevation, feature electric fire, Karndean flooring, coving to ceiling, ceiling light point, radiator.
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, a range of fitted bedroom furniture with built-in wardrobes, ceiling light point, coving to ceiling, radiator.
Fitted with a three piece suite comprising a corner bath with mixer tap and shower attachment, a vanity wash hand basin with mixer tap, and a low level flush w/c. Opaque double glazed window to the rear elevation, ceiling spotlights, laminate flooring, feature heated towel rail, partial tiling to the walls.
Fitted with a range of wall, drawer and base units, with under cabinet lighting, and work surfaces over, inset 'Belfast' sink with mixer tap, integrated dishwasher, built-in induction hob with an HOTPOINT extractor hood over, two built-in electric HOTPOINT ovens, space for a fridge freezer.
Double glazed French doors to the rear elevation, Karndean flooring, ceiling spotlights, breakfast bar, (with drawers beneath) feature ceiling light point, open access into:-
Fitted with wall and base unit, with work surface over, wall mounted ECO COMPACT central heating boiler, space and plumbing for both a washing machine and fridge freezer, door opening out to the rear garden, stairs rising to the first floor.
Two Velux windows to the rear pitch, glass banister, ceiling light point, radiator, doors giving access to bedroom two and the:-
Fitted with a three piece suite comprising a bath with a rainfall shower attachment over, a vanity wash hand basin (with drawers beneath), and a low level flush w/c.
Double glazed window to the side elevation, ceiling light point, heated towel rail.
Three Velux windows to rear pitch, ceiling spotlights, walk-in wardrobe, vertical radiator.
To the front of the property there is a large and well maintained garden with a lawn and well stocked plant and shrub borders and outside lighting.
The large driveway provides off road parking for several vehicles, and in turn gives access to the INTEGRAL SINGLE GARAGE. There is access to the rear garden.
The larger than average rear garden is wall and timber fence enclosed and includes a lawned area, with a large patio seating area adjacent and a variety of mature shrubs. The garden also houses a timber shed and an outbuilding, ideal for storage. There is also a store area which is access on the side elevation.
With an up an over door to the front.
Thomas James Estate Agents always refer sellers (and will offer to refer buyers) to Knights PLC, Premier Property Lawyers, Ives & Co, Curtis & Parkinson, Bryan & Armstrong, and Marchants for conveyancing services (as above). It is your decision as to whether or not you choose to deal with these conveyancers. Should you decide to use the conveyancers named above, you should know that Thomas James Estate Agents would receive a referral fee of between £120 and £240 including VAT from them, for recommending you to them.