Park Road East can be located between Crookdole Lane and Mansfield Lane. Calverton.
With glazed panels, leading into the:-
UPVC double glazed windows to the front and side elevations, ENTRANCE DOOR to the:-
UPVC double glazed window to the front elevation, stairs rising to the first floor, feature gas fire place, two radiators and door leading into the:-
DINING AREA:- UPVC double glazed door opening out to the rear garden, built in storage cupboard, and cupboard under stairs, archway giving access to the:-
KITCHEN AREA:- Fitted with a range of wall, drawer and base units, roll edge work surfaces, inset sink and drainer unit, space and plumbing for a washing machine, space for cooker with an extractor hood. UPVC double glazed window to the rear elevation and gas fire set on a hearth.
Doors giving access to three bedrooms, the shower room and separate wc.
Double glazed window to the front elevation, fitted wardrobes, radiator.
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, fitted wardrobes, radiator.
Double glazed window to the front elevation, built in over stairs storage cupboard.
Fitted with a pedestal wash hand basin, and a shower cubicle with electric shower,
Obscure UPVC double glazed window to the rear elevation, radiator, fitted storage cupboard, fully tiled walls.
Obscure double glazed window to the rear elevation. Fully tiled and fitted with a low flush WC.
To the front of the property there is a low maintenance garden with a gravelled area, low level boundary fence to the side and brick wall to the front. There is access to the entrance door, and a gate leading to the rear garden.
The rear garden is fully paved patio, with timber fencing to the boundaries, gated rear access, and two storage sheds.
Single garage in block with up and over door. Accessed via Broom Road.
Thomas James have been advised by the vendor that this property benefits from solar panels which are owned outright and provide discounted energy. Please consult your legal representative to confirm this information.
Thomas James Estate Agents always refer sellers (and will offer to refer buyers) to Knights PLC, Premier Property Lawyers, Ives & Co, Curtis & Parkinson, Bryan & Armstrong, and Marchants for conveyancing services (as above). It is your decision as to whether or not you choose to deal with these conveyancers. Should you decide to use the conveyancers named above, you should know that Thomas James Estate Agents would receive a referral fee of between £120 and £240 including VAT from them, for recommending you to them.